Esther as a guide for Diasporic Jews
Purim 5784
Young Children in the Synagogue: Halachic Reflections
Adding some more words to a 2,000-year old discussion
My body sees God
The attachement of the jews to their history, parasha Bo 5784
They cried out
Reflexions on a trip to Israel and the parasha Chemot 5784
Yom Kippur 5784
Read here the two drashot of rabbi Josh Weiner for Yom Kippur 5784
Rosh Ha Shana 5784
Rabbi Josh Weiner invites us to reflect on our relationship to the notion of truth and faith
Shavuot 5783
On the second day of Shavuot, Rabbi Josh Weiner invites us to ask ourselves: what does “receiving Torah” mean for us today?
The last days of Pesach: birth and beginnings
On the last day of Pesach, let us ask ourselves about the hidden meaning of this holiday and the metaphor of childbirth that accompanies it.
Chabbat Hagadol: Matzah and psychology
On Shabbat HaGadol, Rabbi Josh Weiner reflects on the meaning of the mitzvah and eating of the matzah
A vision of the future
Will AI rabbis replace real rabbis in a near future? Josh Weiner asks this question through a commentary of the parasha Vayechi